Who was the First Nobel Prize Winner for Physics?
When you think of the Nobel Prize, you probably think of prestigious prizes in Literature, Peace, Chemistry, Medicine, or another field. You probably don’t think of physics. However not everyone knows that Physics was one of the original…
1124Albert Einsteins Nobel Prize for Physics
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and philosopher who developed the general theory of relativity, which explains the phenomenon of gravity and a number of related principles. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his…
1015Denis Gabor and his Invention of Holography
The world of science is filled with brilliant minds who have brought about revolutionary changes in their respective fields. One such scientist is the Hungarian physicist, Professor Denis Gabor. From an early age, Gabor exhibited a keen interest…
1464Women Winners of the Nobel Laureate in Physics
Women and men have different roles in science. This is evident in physics, where most researchers are men, few women are interested in the subject and fewer still continue with it all the way through to a PhD. And yet, women are capable of…